TMC can offer pre-construction technology system design services that accommodate newly-prioritized sustainable and environmentally-friendly design objectives. With a greatly increased emphasis on achieving green construction standards such as LEED certification, technology design has an important part to play in meeting such goals. TMC’s technology design services played a significant role in ensuring a viable, working technology system infrastructure was delivered for the latest Minneapolis construction project to achieve LEED Gold certification, the City of Minneapolis’ new Public Service Building.
More About Green Technology Design and Why it’s Important
The problem — In order to achieve sustainable and environmentally-friendly design goals, achieving a much-desired certification such as LEED, new construction materials and means have emerged to achieve energy efficiency and sustainable goals. However, these new construction standards can negatively impact the technology systems in the building, significantly impacting the technology’s ability to deliver the expected services. In extreme cases, failure to account for new green construction standards can cause the technology system to simply not work. Additionally, in order to meet LEED and similar certification standards, the technology must be designed to be extremely energy efficient and contribute to the building’s overall sustainable footprint.
The result — Technology design standards have to evolve to account for the revised building standards that form the basis for sustainable and environmentally-friendly construction design goals. Failure to account for these new building standards can result in wasting money on the wrong technology needed to deliver needed services in an environment that accommodates these evolving building construction standards. In particular, any RF-based technology system design – such as Wireless LAN technology - must be cognizant of new building materials and techniques in order for the delivered system to function properly.
The solution — Understanding how architects achieve green certifications is a necessity in today’s technology system design, if the delivered technology is to work properly and provide the desired services. Moreover, a comprehension of the interplay between sustainable construction standards and technology system design, enhances the ability of the technology to contribute to achieving an environmentally-friendly building design.